Nearsighted Wasp

OK---I have been stung through the years by just about everything--Bees, Hornets, Wasps, and sometimes women---But today I was out by the pool --Enjoying a great day--and out of the corner of my eye I see something flying toward me...about the time I look over this Wasp lands on my cheek and stings me-on my lower left cheek ---WHAT AN IDIOT--I had dang near every part of my body exposed and this "Gomer Pyle Wasp" stings me in the face--Now its not a big deal-It dont hurt-but it just ticked me off--now I look like I have a permanent dip of skoal...In the South --no one will probably even think anything about it...
Well anyway--I hope he got shaving cream in his stinger and dies --QUICKER...
All I could figure is he was nearsighted or really irritated----
Stupid *&^%^#%& Wasp...
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