
I had a good friend that traveled to Philly last week for business..and I told her --you have got to stop and grab a couple of pics of the steps and the statue made famous by Rocky Balboa...this is what I got--Awesome isnt it.
Yeah --I know it's just a movie--but hey--my feelings are ---if you dont like Rocky movies...you are definitely missing the bigger message--its not really about boxing --its about determination---
It's one I write about all the time---
It dont matter what you do in life---just dont quit, dont give up ---keep punching and it all gonna be good...
To quote Rocky..
"It aint about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."
I can remember as a kid leaving the movie with two good frieds high on the victory of Rocky's perseverance.
I had the poster of Rocky taped to the underside of the bunk above me my freshman year.
Being terribly homesick, I was encouraged each night as it was the last thing I saw.
Eventually I got used to being on my own, and I stopped hanging Rocky up when I moved.
I don't remember the day any more than I can remember the exact day I stopped believing there was a Santa..
One day, I was stronger...or at least I thought I was.
I like the idea of the return of Rocky.
His character would come back 30 years after his first
real victory..
if for no other reason than to show us all we could too if we need to.
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