Monday, March 06, 2006

Comfortable . . .

I am comfortable, And I am not talking about the lazy, recliner kind.

I am more comfortable in who I am, the man I am, and the person inside and outside that I am, than probably any other point in my life. Maybe it takes about 40 years to achieve this---or maybe it's all the stuff we go through, and we finally settle in and go, "It's all Good".

I can honestly say that I am happy---with me. When I look in the mirror---There are no questions, no doubts, no negatitvity at all...That comes from living right, God, family and good friends---Life and situations will try to steal that sometimes. I am not a quitter...I've got too much I want to accomplish.

I had asthma really bad when I was a kid---I almost died a couple of times---One of the doctors told my parents I was a fighter...I wanted to live--

You know what----That hasnt changed---I STILL DO...


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