My Bestest Kind of Saturday . . .

Joel's Best Day Schedule...
I slept til about 7, got up had some coffee, watched Fox and Friends,and ate a chicken biscuit from Hardees.
9 am we went to Ball practice---( Im coaching my sons team and we had a special thing for the kids...We had gotten a pro ball player to come to spend a couple of hours with the boys...Stubby Clapp. Read more about him here...Stubby Clapp
Then We went and ate at Subway. Headed back to the house--Mowed the yard, worked on the the pool, bought plants for the yard from Wal-Mart---Made it look like Martha Stewart had come for a visit, Washed the vehicles, Then I fired up the Grill ----Hamburgers for the boys--2 Ribeyes for me....
All Good...All Day....
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