Friday, March 10, 2006

Some things you just dont do . . .

See, I have this routine. Every night, before I go to sleep---I put a load of clothes in the washing machine. When I wake up---Before I get my coffee, I stumble to the washer, take out the clothes--throw them in the dryer, turn it on and go about my business.

So the other morning, I did I turned the dryer on and started to walk off----I heard this sound----It sounded like I had left a bowling ball in the dryer---and I dont bowl. I opened the door---and out shot Socks...Big eyes---as fast as lightning...

Now socks is the cat I inherited...I dont like cats---he and I just co-exist---

I had turned the cat on in the dryer---sounds like a joke I know--But i really did it.

It had climbed up in there sometime during the night, fell asleep ---and woke up on a roller coaster....

For all of you --Animal Lovers --He is fine---(I think the fabric softener sheets helped)

So that was my good laugh for the week---me half asleep-- the cat half asleep is not a good mix...
He wont even go close to the thing anymore...
By the way---A cat makes a HORRIBLE sound in a dryer...


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