Stress Relief . . .

One of the best forms of "therapy" I've found lately happens at 2 on Sunday--
Ive never been one to just sit around and watch TV -- there is too much life going on to be making my backside bigger....
Me and about 5 or 6 other guys, mostly baseball coaches, go over to the big ball field and play baseball-not softball---I have a personal opinion about softball---grown men pitching great big balls-- underhand --really slow...Thats how me and my Dad taught Oneal to hit when he was three years old...Softball doesnt take any effort--its a lazy man's sport for washed up or wannabe athletes...Well I like to work up a sweat, stay in shape and compete---give me something hard to hit---throw your best pitch--I want to see if I can knock the cover off of it...
Anyway...we have an absolute blast... we hit, field , make fun of each other, taunt, and laugh a lot--those are good friends--and yes some of them are better than me---But I hold my own for 38 years old...It feels good and keeps me young. I figure if Roger Clemens is still going at 43---I can too.
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