Hard to describe . . .

There is a feeling you have when you have peace in your life. It comes from a lot of things, good decisions, God, self-respect, and purpose...
The only way I know to describe it is..if you are driving home in a hard rain---It's hard to see, the wipers are on high, youve got your family in the car with you---and you are trying to see where you are going-- just to make it home---
then you turn in your driveway, and you pull into the garage---In a half a second--you are out of the storm...you lean back in your seat---turn the truck off--step out into the dry and go into a nice dry home...
That is the feeling---The storm, the rain is still going on all around you---but you are walking in the dry, the safety...the comfort---
.....man, that's powerful! Superstrong underlying message about Christ being our home to come to. He does not prevent us from getting wet or experiencing storms BUT ensures that we don't drown in eternity.
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