Lower Mississippi . . .

Well, Im sitting in Bay St Louis Mississippi. Had to drive down to do a little work...I was talking to the lady who checked me into the hotel and she was talking a little about the hurricane tragedy that happened down here...The room I am sitting in was under water---she said that boats were pulling up to the second floor to rescue people...its kind of surreal...she said she was here when it happened and it is just something hard to describe...But one thing I love about this country and the people in it is the resilience...we get back up---we rebuild and overall our attitudes or positive...we dont lay down for long---
We are a people to be proud of---I know there is a lot of bad in the country---but I like the fight that we have...
To not rebuild, for fear that a flood may come again would be a tragedy.
To not move on, for fear you will forget the past would be a tragedy.
The fight in us to dream after we experience loss is one of our greatest assets as a country.
I am with you- great blog
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