Saturday, February 23, 2008

HC Tiger Baseball

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Paoli 2008 - Part 2

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Goldie Again---Always makes me laugh...

From Dad...

Love vs. Stingy
Love can be defined in numerous ways. God is love, and it’s our job to translate it to others. The best earthly definition I’ve heard is that “love is time”. If we love someone, we’ll spend time with them.
Love is also not a lot of things. Love is not stingy. (We won’t count the “love of money”). Case in point; love overwhelmed me the other day and I bought my Valentine a dozen long stemmed red roses. I had them delivered to the Pizza Hut during a family meal that I sponsor once a week.
I wanted to get more for my money. It’s extra special if Margie gets flowers in front of other ladies. “Oohs and aahs” are added and they don’t cost anything. It’s also a public true confession of your love for your own wife. She’s my wife by marriage, you know.
I felt good about myself. I had overcome stingy! But when I found out how long it had been since I bought her flowers, I almost felt bad. I’ve gotten by real cheap for all these years.
She never once complained about the price. I shared my generous story to a couple of fellows. They had bad experiences buying their wives roses. They were rebuked with comments like, “They won’t last but three days!” “Just give me the money the next time.” Then they rave on about how much they cost. I guess they can just sniff the money they save.
Margie has thanked me often, and enjoys the sweet aroma. She would never complain about the price. I figure if I bought her a new expensive car she’d just climb in and say, “Thankee”.
Stingy is trying to make a comeback. I pruned our rose bush. I may go with with homegrown next year.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Its been a while--

I havent posted in a long time--but work has been very busy--But great...Lots of new projects and cool new stuff to work on--But also, just finished another years ski trip with great friends!

So here they are--Paoli 2008....