My Greek side . . .

This is 2 of my 3 nephews. Joseph Samuel Forakis and Demetrius Kostas Forakis. They are boys--all boy...Its pretty cool. My 3 nephews spend the night with Oneal and I almost every Saturday Night...I wouldnt trade it for nothing---Great kids---Its always a big night---playing and working in the yard---Grilling hot dogs and burgers---and then they all lay down on quilts and watch a movie as they go to sleep...Joseph--the youngest sleeps on a quilt beside my bed---Its very cool to have family. Now it is a lot of trouble sometimes...But you know what --these boys and my son will be off to college in no time flat---Then I can take all the time I want for myself...Some people would say --"You need to take more time for yourself, what if you dont live that long"---You know what --It dont matter---If thats the way I spent my time while I was alive---I will die a very happy man----a family man...
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