Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Walking Tall . . .

I feel like a huge weight is off my shoulders----The events of the past couple of days have opened my eyes and gave me a renewed hope for my life or a second wind-----

Thank you Lord for all you have done and are doing in my life..... I am trying to follow the path you want for me----I believe I've done well considering the circumstances---Forgiveness, Love and faithfulness...

and like Job did, I pray that you bless and prosper the people who despise me----make their life blessed beyond measure....

The inside of a person . . .

You think you know someone----But there are places deep down that people hide and cover up---and you never really know someone until they are up against a wall--then you get to see the real "them"----sometimes it's really ugly--and you realize at that moment that you dont know them and never did.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Dumb as a rock . . .

My Senior Pastor--Eddie Cupples--always had this definition for stupidity--" Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results".

There is one area I have been "Stupid" in----I'm changing that---no longer will I do the same thing over and over again and expect something different----

I am stubborn and dont like to give up----But this time it will be extremely beneficial to my life and how good it will be....

Choosing a Destination . . .

Sometimes, whether its with family, friends or work---You have to choose a path....It's part of life...It doesnt mean one is right and one is wrong--They are just different---Its not really a bad thing to travel a different path than someone else...It just a choice and you hope the road takes you somewhere really good... I have taken a lot of different roads in my life than my friends-we would part ways --and for some reason God always blesses me---
I've picked a path---and I can see some beautiful scenery off in the distance----I think its gonna be incredible---I'm excited to see what happens...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Very Cool . . .

Something very cool happened this evening---I was explaining Blogs to my son and showed him mine ---you know what --he sat and read every one of them---for about an hour---and said it was very cool---coming from an 11 year old--thats a compliment--He and I have both had some tought times---But he is maturing and growing very fast---I'm a little prouder of him everyday---

I think he is gonna make a great man one day...
I am working very hard to help him become that . . .

The Man I am striving to be . . .

Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty

Pronunciation: in-'te-gr&-tEFunction: nounEtymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer

1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
2 : an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS

synonym see HONESTY

Sundays . . .

There are a lot of times I dont feel like going to church---But I go anyway. Pastor always says, "We dont do what we feel like doing, we do what we ought to do." I think it shows faith, maturity and responsibility.
It's right for a lot of reasons, it's good for me, its good for my son, it shows him what is important to me, and the biggest reason--I made a promise to God that no matter what was going on in my life, good or bad---I wouldnt give up ---and church is a part of that. I dont break promises---Especially to God....

Saturday, January 28, 2006

My Favorite New Restaurant . . .

We went to eat at the Texas Roadhouse last night----Everyone said how great it was---Yes we had to wait almost an hour---But boy did these guys make it worth our while---The manager Dane, came over and talked to us twice, hung out a few minutes and told us he was glad we were there...I've never had a place of this size do that..then the waitress was fantastic...she checked on us regularly..and made us laugh a lot---then on top of that --THE FOOD ...WOW..Rattlesnake bites for the appetizers---Then the steak was one of the best I've ever had, when you go -- get the homemade Mashed potatoes with it--delicious...I highly recommend it...This one is in Florence, AL....but there may be one close to where you are at...It's definitely worth it...

Friday, January 27, 2006

I'll Take That . . .

I've had several people tell me over the last few weeks that I had a mischievious look in my eyes---They've said---Youre body is a man's, but your eyes look like a 10 year old boy that is up to something...

You know what--- if they are talking about me being full of life---I'll take that all day long...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Man--I've got the fever bad tonight . . .

Ok, Ok, Ok, I know--I'm ready for snowskiing---
But I've been listening to some Van Halen, Jimmy Buffett and some more BEACH music--So ---Ive got Cabo on my brain--- I'd throw a hat, some shorts, t-shirts, flip-flops and sunglasses on-- and catch a plane right now---and wouldn't think twice about it...

Average Movie--Great Hero . . .

We watched Transporter 2 last night. Now it's not one of the best movies I've ever seen, but there are some good parts.

He's hired to take care of a little boy that comes from a very prominent and powerful family...in one scene the Mother shows up at his place, and starts coming on to him and telling him how her husband doesn't understand . . .

He pushes her back and says-"I can't".

She asks "Is it because of who I am?".

He says "No, It's because of who I am."

Great scene...I like it when they create a hero that really is one in all senses of the word... It made the movie much higher on my list.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


A friend asked me tonight what I would like them to put on my tombstone---No one has ever asked me that...So I thought a few minutes and told her I'd like something like this:

"He had a hard life"
He laughed hard, worked hard, played hard, prayed hard, loved hard, and made his family and his son remember that if youre gonna do something, do it hard--with all you've got- all your mind, body and soul."

I want to leave people with a smile, and encouragement and hope---I've been given that from my family, good friends and mentors.

Balance . . .

I feel more balance in my life than I ever have. For some reason, There is a peace inside. Maybe it comes with age, surviving tough times or just straight from God himself. Whatever is the reason it is a nice place to be...I just dont want to visit--I want to stay here...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Changes . . .

Last month, my good friend Michael Russell and his wife came down and went to the gym with me...He showed me some new ways to get results in my workout...Well it works...I've been hitting the gym 3 times a week and can see and feel the difference...one of the best things Ive done lately---I feel great...Thanks Mike---

P.S. The picture to the left is not me----Ha---But it is what I'm working toward---

Monday, January 23, 2006

Lots of Fun . . .

We loaded up the boys last night and went to see Hoodwinked---It was GREAT--I havent laughed like that at a cartoon since Shrek---Good Family Movie---for all ages...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Feeling God...

To be honest ---I havent felt God's presence in a long time---I've been searching, Looking and praying---but for about a year -- I've been without His touch...That all changed this morning at church with the help of a testimony and a song from my Pastor's wife Tricia Yanok and Pastor Rob himself--Something changed--something stirred that I thought was gone forever---I stood upstairs with tears streaming down my face for almost 2 hours...I am so glad that I can feel again---and that God was and is there in my life----I didnt think I could get there---I'm glad I was wrong...and thanks God for allowing Pastors Rob and Tricia to help open that door back up to your warmth....

Saturday, January 21, 2006

New CD I'm Listening to . . .

This CD is great all the way around---Love the guitar, the guys vocals and the songs,
1. Follow you Home
2. Photograph
3. Far Away
4. Next Contestant

Some rough language--But excellent

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


If you like music and dont have this---You need to get it---

Go to Disc 2 and listen to Claptons rendition of "I Shot The Sheriff"--Its my favorite.... I love it...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Only 4 more weeks . . .

And I wll be attempting to Ski again---Skiing or Falling---It is still a lot of fun...I'm Ready!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Man On Fire . . .

I love movies--I have my favorites--But Man On Fire is one of my top ones---I have seen it probably a dozen times--and I cant put my finger on why I love this movie so much, I just know I do---It is about a man without any light or hope in his life until he becomes the bodyguard of a little girl--she makes him smile and love again---
if you havent seen it ---Watch it.

It hits at my core every time-

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Thank You

Dear God,
Thank you for courage that holds me steady.
Thank you for the seed of blessing which is contained within each challenge.
Thank you for the solution to every problem.
Thank you for faith to keep moving forward.
Thank you for tenacity, wisdom and strength.
Thank you for life in all its many vibrant colors.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Best Quote I've heard yet . . .

Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive. ~Josephine Hart

Thanks Pastor Rob

Friday, January 13, 2006

Laughing Out Loud

Andy Grffith will always be one of the best shows on television, and Barney is my all time favorite character...I watch it every chance I get--and laugh and laugh and laugh...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Top Sports Event of 2005

The local paper had an article on the top 10 sports events last year in Hardin County---The World Series team we were a part of made it the #1 event in the area---The final playoff game against Alabama for the title was incredible and it was something for 2005 that was great to be involved in-- Great Kids, Great Parents, GREAT COACHES...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Big Curve

This has been a great productive day---with clients, friends, and work--then a good church service tonight---I'm feeling good and start to feel more like I want to every day--The changes that are happening within me are big and will make me a much greater man than I even thought I could be...
Sometimes it takes a big curve in the road before you grab the wheel and drive like you mean it...

Monday, January 02, 2006

2006 - On My Way

This year has already been great---And it's only Day two...
I have made some great plans and have started and made progress down those roads---

I made a promise to myself to live the next few years to the FULLEST...That includes God, Family, Friends, Life, Love, Work, and Travel----all to the maximum...

It feels great so far...Big Dreams, Big Plans, Big God...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

IT'S HERE. . .

And I'm ready---I'm not big on New Years resolutions--Because I believe if you want to make a change in your life---You can start any day of the year.

But 2006 is a time for me to let 2005 be what it was and , with God's help, make this year great. I wont be taking much good stuff from last year with me---Just some valuable lessons about life and me as a person. I'm ready and last night at 12:00 was an intersection in my life-----I used that time and date as a marker for a new beginning---and you know what--thats what God is all about--New Beginnings....