Well, Vacation was AWESOME---We had a blast---I have a lot to blog --but will start with the fishing---We got up at 4 am--got to the docks at 5 --and ht the Open Water...My nephew, Joshua, Oneal and I ---had a great day ---We caught lots of Snapper and Red Grouper. One of the biggest Grouper I had on the line I was fighting up a storm--I got him about 10 feet from the boat and all of the sudden I felt a HUGE pull--It yanked me to the edge of the boat---A shark had swam up and bit off half of my fish---What a rush---we fished and the boys loved it---I reeled in the biggest grouper--and Oneal reeled in the biggest snapper----Then we headed back--Filleted the fish and the The Fishermans Wharf fried the gouper and blackened the snapper---and the whole family ate til we were about to pop...what a great day---I asked Oneal what was his favorite part of the trip and he said the fishing----That meant a lot ot me...some things you do as Father and Son---you will remember a lifetime---I know I will.. and I made both the boys promise when they were fathers they would take their kids deep sea fishing---
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