Color Blind . . .

I am color blind. I have trouble distinguishing between reds and greens and browns and some other colors. I am also color blind, not by my genes, but by something my Dad and Mom instilled in me...I dont see people in color---I just see people.
You see, discrimination and racism is suposed to be gone... It's not...its just hidden. Whether you're in the South, North or wherever--it's around. I despise it--I hate it. You want to get on my bad side real me that side of you..that little shallow side--that you only talk about in certain circles.
If the only way you can feel better about yourself is to put someone else're not much use to the world.
My parents taught me to see people as people, and my son will see people as people...
I see the light!
I don't think I could have said it any better - right on and AMEN!
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