Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My "Not-So-Perfect" World

Some people think after reading my blog or talking to me, that I have "it all together".

Nothing could be further from the truth. I dont. I struggle with things on a daily basis. Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, Anger, Sadness, and lots of others.

But you know the key to winning is one word in the last sentence...Struggle.

Lots of people dont struggle with things they just go with it or dont think things through. I have been there before many times in my life...I didnt think--I just did.

Now I am at a point, where every move I make--I try to consider what the outcome might be. It is harder and makes things more complicated, but it is just part of being a responsible adult.

Am I perfect at it---Not even close---But I refuse to live the other way---I have and it is a miserable place to be.

Do I fall down----All the time.

Do I get up---just as many times as I fall.


At 8:22 AM , Blogger Maximus Doom said...

My brother from another mother...we are too similar. I dont know how people get these ideas; but they do. You, my friend, are a constant source of inspiration and amusement. (so much between so few lines). It is comforting to know that "when" not "if", I fall, a good friend is an arm away and a bigger one, a prayer away.


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