Follow Through . . .

It's talked about in every sport. Whether it's baseball, football, golf or even bowling. The "Follow Through" motion is one of the most important. I believe it is the same in life. Following through with any task you take on. We teach our kids to finish what they on their plate, a sport, a homework assignment- and its the same for us...a project, a commitment, a promise, a job or whatever. It is very important, because once you quit with that follow through, you can never get it back. It takes something away from us as a person.
I'll use me as an example. I had a job once working third shift. Horrible working conditions, the people were terrible to work with and you know what I did...I gave in, I quit.
I hated myself after that. I hated the feeling that it gave me. After that I made a promise to myself. No-one or No-thing was ever gonna get the best of me again. The next job wasnt much better---but I had the "Follow-Through" planted in my mind. What happened then, is it got better and better and lead into bigger and better things.
So when things are not exactly the way I want them ---I keep the "Follow Through" rolling....It always works for me, and I think thats what makes my business, my parenting and everything else work-And even if every thing doesnt work out perfect--I still feel good about myself.
Well, my friend, you are good at that and have done well with that philosophy.
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