My Dad is a writer, humorist and speaker from way back---He has been doing it as long as I can remember...He is the greatest---He writes regularly in several newspapers---Here is one of his articles...Enjoy...
"I Love Me”
I've used this sermon 99 times. This makes 100! Glory to God!
Scripture: Galatians 5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
The word “as” means to the same degree. We have to love ourselves to be happy. In order to do that we must accept Jesus. Then we enjoy living without felling sin’s guilt. I like being saved! I love me for accepting God’s grace. (I’d hug me if I could get my arms around me!)
We spend a lot of time with ourselves; at least we should. (I stayed all day with me the other day.) It’s awful spending 24 hours a day with someone we didn’t like. I did for a long time-BC(Before Christ). Gloom, despair and agony was on me!
There’s an old saying, “He doesn’t like anyone; he doesn’t even like himself.” It’s dangerous not to love ourselves. That’s the kind of folk who wind up destroying themselves.
There’s only one way to love ourselves: “Kneel at Cross, Christ Will Meet You There.” The Prince of Peace will give us peace.
There’s still a few things about me that I’m not too crazy about, but if God can love me, I can too.
Most of the time I like being around me…course I’m “Never Alone” anymore. That’s the best part.