Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Being Thankful . . .

"You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you."

Sarah Ban Breathnach ~Simple Abundance

Character . . .

The depth and strength of a human character are defined by its moral reserves. People reveal themselves completely only when they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life, for only then do they have to fall back on their reserves.
Leon Trotsky 1879-1940, Russian Revolutionary

Pastor Rob . . .

Ok --- I believe in Pastors---They have a very tough job, high stress, long hours, etc...My Pastor, Rob and his wife Tricia are a Godsend....He has a beautiful family and is truly a Man of God...So go check out his blog and see what he is up to this week---He is on vacation and definitely deserves every second of it....


Sunday, March 26, 2006


My Dad is a writer, humorist and speaker from way back---He has been doing it as long as I can remember...He is the greatest---He writes regularly in several newspapers---Here is one of his articles...Enjoy...

"I Love Me”

I've used this sermon 99 times. This makes 100! Glory to God!
Scripture: Galatians 5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

The word “as” means to the same degree. We have to love ourselves to be happy. In order to do that we must accept Jesus. Then we enjoy living without felling sin’s guilt. I like being saved! I love me for accepting God’s grace. (I’d hug me if I could get my arms around me!)
We spend a lot of time with ourselves; at least we should. (I stayed all day with me the other day.) It’s awful spending 24 hours a day with someone we didn’t like. I did for a long time-BC(Before Christ). Gloom, despair and agony was on me!
There’s an old saying, “He doesn’t like anyone; he doesn’t even like himself.” It’s dangerous not to love ourselves. That’s the kind of folk who wind up destroying themselves.
There’s only one way to love ourselves: “Kneel at Cross, Christ Will Meet You There.” The Prince of Peace will give us peace.
There’s still a few things about me that I’m not too crazy about, but if God can love me, I can too.
Most of the time I like being around me…course I’m “Never Alone” anymore. That’s the best part.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Blessings . . .

God has blessed me so much ---I cant even begin to count--Friends, Family, Health and Business...
(My Dad turned 65 today and is in great health --and working out too...)

And now one more thing---
You know, a new vehicle may not mean much to some people-I think a lot of people take it for granted--
But to me--It is a blessing...and a great one---So here is the latest gift I have been given from the Man upstairs, who continually looks after me -in spite of me---Thanks...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Best

A smile---The real kind----That comes from some place down deep inside is one of my favorite things----See it works both ways. Its great for the person smiling and its awesome for the person that made the smile happen----The best....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Quote For the Day

"The Ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy". - Martin Luther King

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Defining Class. . .

When you say someone has "Class" or is a class act---Some people think it means something else..

Its not at all about money.

When a person is classy--
they carry themselves a certain way---Not above anyone else but with confidence...
They speak a certain way, with conviction---
They believe a certain way, they dont diminish your beliefs --they just know what is right for them---
They have a set standards of which they adhere to...
and they show other people the respect they expect in return...

I like being around Class People...

Monday, March 20, 2006

No Such Thing . . .

I was flipping the channels the other night---
Yes--I am a guy---I channel surf--
I click -- a lot...
I stopped for a minute on T.D. Jakes and he said something in the span of 2 minutes that helped me with something I had the wrong perception about...

He basically said there is no such thing as unconditional love...even God requires something...

I had never thought of it that way---now, we dont have to do anything special to recieve His love and blessings---but it does require something---He requires us to make a decision...I have struggled with attempting to show love unconditionally..Trying to be Christ like.

Well, that freed me up totally---If God requires something---I do to....

Thanks Bishop---

Great . . .

What a great weekend----Good Friends, Great Friday Night--Great Saturday and Sunday---Now I am ready to get some work done and be productive...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Quote For The Day . . .

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Thursday, March 16, 2006

It's that time again---

Baseball----We officially start this weekend--Tryouts, the draft, assembling the teams, and coaching. I've been coaching O'Neal since he was 6---and have grown to absolutely love it. Seeing the kids do something they didnt think they could do...seeing the smiles on the parents faces---and especially seeing the smiles on the kids faces. I love it---It lets me be a kid again. Like everybody--I like to win...but one of the most memorable games I have ever coached was with my Dad, and we lost--13-12. Both teams played at their best level ever---the kids were excited, the coaches were excited, the parents were excited---and both teams walked away feeling good and wanting to do it all over again. The other coach was one of my best friends---and we still talk about it. Coaching is one of the best things I have ever decided to do.


Favor of God---

It is simply amazing how He works sometimes---Unexpected blessings from unexpected places---I have been living that---I am very thankful... it seems like everywhere I turn, He is doing something to enhance my life---

Thank You...

Twists and Turns

Life is ever changing. Thats what makes it fun and interesting. As much as we would like it to be able to plan everything and avoid the twists and turns---Thats just life....It is the difference between riding a train and a roller coaster----the train is good --but the coaster is more fun...Sometimes those very turns that irritate us at first---are the ones that makes our life better and more fulfilling in the long run...

Monday, March 13, 2006

The guy is just "Good"

This guy is great---The songs he does are awesome:
Its all the old classics--Love songs at their best---

My favorite---#7

1. Nice 'N Easy
2. Can't Help Falling In Love
3. My Funny Valentine
4. Mack The Knife
5. Fever
6. You'll Never Know
7. For Once In My Life
8. Moondance


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Spring Break . . .

O'Neal gets out for spring break in a couple of weeks. I didnt have any major plans---Then I remembered I was gonna make 2006 the year to remember...So---we are off again...
This time to Six Flags over Georgia for a couple of days---Oneal and I have never been --and he is finally old (and tall) enough to ride the big coasters. We are gonna have a blast---I think I am just as excited as he is----So bring on all of them---we are gonna ride everything they have . . .

Friday, March 10, 2006

Some things you just dont do . . .

See, I have this routine. Every night, before I go to sleep---I put a load of clothes in the washing machine. When I wake up---Before I get my coffee, I stumble to the washer, take out the clothes--throw them in the dryer, turn it on and go about my business.

So the other morning, I did that...as I turned the dryer on and started to walk off----I heard this sound----It sounded like I had left a bowling ball in the dryer---and I dont bowl. I opened the door---and out shot Socks...Big eyes---as fast as lightning...

Now socks is the cat I inherited...I dont like cats---he and I just co-exist---

I had turned the cat on in the dryer---sounds like a joke I know--But i really did it.

It had climbed up in there sometime during the night, fell asleep ---and woke up on a roller coaster....

For all of you --Animal Lovers --He is fine---(I think the fabric softener sheets helped)

So that was my good laugh for the week---me half asleep-- the cat half asleep is not a good mix...
He wont even go close to the thing anymore...
By the way---A cat makes a HORRIBLE sound in a dryer...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

A Great Week . . .

I guess everyone has their own opinion about what makes a great week...But let me tell you what mine has consisted of that makes it great..

Eating a delicious steak with some of my best friends,
Baseball and good grades with my son,
Spending time with my Mom, Dad, Sister and Nephews,
Great church service,
Getting several new projects from one of my favorite clients,
Giving some time and energy to a local charity,
Being asked to serve on a committee for the local school system,
Workouts at the gym,
good health,
lots of support and love,
Laughing--A Lot,
and last but not least--Great plans for the weekend....

If thats not being blessed, then I dont know what is...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Comfortable . . .

I am comfortable, And I am not talking about the lazy, recliner kind.

I am more comfortable in who I am, the man I am, and the person inside and outside that I am, than probably any other point in my life. Maybe it takes about 40 years to achieve this---or maybe it's all the stuff we go through, and we finally settle in and go, "It's all Good".

I can honestly say that I am happy---with me. When I look in the mirror---There are no questions, no doubts, no negatitvity at all...That comes from living right, God, family and good friends---Life and situations will try to steal that sometimes. I am not a quitter...I've got too much I want to accomplish.

I had asthma really bad when I was a kid---I almost died a couple of times---One of the doctors told my parents I was a fighter...I wanted to live--

You know what----That hasnt changed---I STILL DO...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Quote For The Day . . .

"My life, my family and my heritage are more important than any momentary pleasure."
Bishop Eddie Cupples

Friday, March 03, 2006

Note to my Son . . .

If there is one lesson I want my son to learn from me --it is to always be grateful and thankful. I preach it to him a lot. I believe that bad things in life happen to people the minute they become selfish and ungrateful. I've seen it over and over again through my life. In the bible, God LOVED people who were thankful---and blessed them...I believe that still happens today. Keeping those two traits will keep you grounded and on-top, when everything else seem to fall apart...and the way the world is working today--It is something that is rarely seen---but when it is--it is very cool.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

One of the things I love . . .

My next trip is in May---But doing some Coastal fishing is one of the my favorite things---Getting up early---spending about 6 hours fishing---coming back exhausted, sunburnt, and covered in salt from the ocean---cutting up the fresh fish--and taking it up to a local restaurant and having them fix it up with fries and hushpuppies---It is without a doubt, one of the best tasting meals on earth---I'll be more than ready when it's time.

By the way --the big fish in the middle --I caught-----me and the Amberjack fought for quite a while...It was fantastic.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Work Hard, Play Hard...

I work hard---and this year I am teaching myself how to take a little time for me---

Today school let out at 12:30--

I picked up Oneal and we headed toward the ball field---we had a whole group of guys there and we practiced with them for about 3 hours...

I work a lot of hours and sometimes 7 days a week---and before now --I would have never taken off in the middle of the week---but I am retraining myself--and I feel really great and you know what-- the work is right there when I get back---the world doesnt fall apart because I take a few hours off---

I am amazed . . .

My son and I eat breakfast at McDonalds every morning--We talk and go over homework--just normal stuff. This morning there was a young lady sitting at a table close to us talking to a friend of hers about her divorce----I wasnt trying to listen --but it was hard not to hear part of it---She was so non-chalant, so uncaring about anyone--it just amazed me---at one point I heard her say "I gave him some furniture---I figured it was the least I could do, since I took his daughter away from him"--then she laughed.

I sat there amazed...

I dont know what is going on in peoples minds and hearts---But I know that the things that I value and the qualities and traits that keep me on course, are becoming extinct...People dont care about families anymore--I am beginning to wonder if they care about anything at all...
Right after I left --I said a quiet prayer for that little girl and her Mom...